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【视频】New Relationships 23种《常态关系》23-艺阶梯文化传媒 北京艺阶梯文化传媒有限公司艺术总监、青年导演赵琬执导的大型舞蹈戏剧《常态关系》是一件根据展览“例外状态:中国境况与艺术考察2017”展场空间定制的作品定制伴郎 ,由尤伦斯当代艺术中心(UCCA)及懒投资、韬映资本联合呈现嫡子身份 ,由东田造型特别支持杨树宽 。“常态关系”指涉本次展览的英文名,作品主题从“情感”这一私密而普遍的状态出发阿努比斯公寓 。23位演员通过肢体、声音等媒介与展览“例外状态”中23位/组

【视频】New Relationships 23种《常态关系》23-艺阶梯文化传媒

北京艺阶梯文化传媒有限公司艺术总监、青年导演赵琬执导的大型舞蹈戏剧《常态关系》是一件根据展览“例外状态:中国境况与艺术考察2017”展场空间定制的作品定制伴郎 ,由尤伦斯当代艺术中心(UCCA)及懒投资、韬映资本联合呈现嫡子身份 ,由东田造型特别支持杨树宽 。“常态关系”指涉本次展览的英文名,作品主题从“情感”这一私密而普遍的状态出发阿努比斯公寓 。23位演员通过肢体、声音等媒介与展览“例外状态”中23位/组艺术家的作品形成微妙的呼应,又将宏观历史逻辑视域下的现实切换回“儿女私情”中——充满张力的表演折射着现代生活中恋爱关系的亲密、纠结、痛苦与和解的动态过程。在长达一小时的演出中张子健老婆,观众随着演员的舞步游走于UCCA两千余平方米的展场珊瑚海海战 ,汪玲露 在持续与演员互动的同时什么是股权分置改革 阜康天气预报 ,得以欣赏本展览中的每一件作品爱上验尸官 。观众会发现,幽暗的展场给“爱情”这一议题又平添了几分悬疑感——《常态关系》舞蹈的编排暗示着反复坍塌、又反复重建的消耗过程,由此描绘出一个迷人而又不确定的方向。
The New Relationship dance theatre, conceived & directed by emerging theatre director Wan Zhao, choreography by Carina Fourmyle is a performance tailored to the exhibition "The New Normal: China炮灰重生记 , Art, and 2017" - "The New Relationship" refers to English name of the exhibition. Through dance, theatre, sound and other media by bringing in 23 actors subtly echo 23 works from the exhibition "The New Normal: China, Art渔人结, and 2017”, and at the same time罗晰月, the performance switches reality placed under the view of Romantic Love Relationships - the performance full of tension reflects intimacy, entanglement弃宝之岛 , pain and reconciliation in contemporary relationships. During the performance, the audience will walk along and interact with the actors in the exhibition, within the two thousand square meters exhibition space at UCCA曾诗然, while appreciating the works in the exhibition. "The New Relationship" dance theatre piece implies that the consumption process of repeated collapse and reconstruction杨澜的孩子 , which depicts a charming but uncertain direction.
1号空间 演员:朱海

2号空间 演员:吴霜怡
关系:what can I do to see you.

3号空间 演员:杜佳禧
关系:You didn't text me.

4号空间 演员:季鹏飞
关系:and you are NOT here.

5号空间 演员:卓龙
关系:I don't know you, but I want you.

6号空间 演员:宋子卓
关系:Love仙崛 , we must part now: do not let it be.

7号空间 演员:王硕
关系:Love is a drug.

8号空间 演员:朱曜聆
关系:For the heart to be loveless, and as cold as these.

9号空间 演员:Carina Fourmyle
关系:Are you prepared for what the night will bring?

10号空间 演员:庾丽华
关系:She will be loved.

11号空间 演员:钱琨
关系:If hands could free you加油操, heart, where would you fly?

12号空间 演员:苏洁
关系:Wrong八连杀伴奏 , but always right.

13号空间 演员:唐晨
关系:Falling slowly

14号空间 演员:张雪浩
关系:You didn't text me.

15号空间 演员:薄云天
关系:Choice, always choice.

16号空间 演员:陈君
关系:It's not about missing, it's about深瞳第二部 , "always in the heart."

17号空间 演员:马兴宇
关系:Sweet-dream or Nightmare.

18号空间 演员:何静
关系:I didn't know you爱情惹的祸 , but I want you.

19号空间 演员:王晓
关系:She will be loved.

20号空间 演员:洪晓静
关系:Yes or Yes

21号空间 演员:郭星

22号空间 演员:张雷
关系:He needs me.

23号空间 演员:宋裔
关系:He need me.
