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【视频】Hill中国首演 维密与苹果的高级选择,8月和你脸贴脸︱Marian-热音REYIN 这首歌是不是听着无敌熟?毕竟是席卷全球的iphone和Airpods广告曲,毕竟也是1 million dance studio的大神Lia Kim在油管有着超千万点击的编舞音乐,毕竟还是在吉米肥伦秀、柯登深夜秀等超级流量节目都演出过的大热单曲李丽莎儿童节 。对十三号怪异岛 ,就是这首 Billboard 公告牌排行榜在榜 17 周最高排名 21 且获得白金认证的《Down》,而它正来自近几年火遍全球

【视频】Hill中国首演 维密与苹果的高级选择,8月和你脸贴脸︱Marian-热音REYIN

这首歌是不是听着无敌熟?毕竟是席卷全球的iphone和Airpods广告曲,毕竟也是1 million dance studio的大神Lia Kim在油管有着超千万点击的编舞音乐,毕竟还是在吉米肥伦秀、柯登深夜秀等超级流量节目都演出过的大热单曲李丽莎儿童节 。对十三号怪异岛 ,就是这首 Billboard 公告牌排行榜在榜 17 周最高排名 21 且获得白金认证的《Down》,而它正来自近几年火遍全球的美国电子流行双人组Marian Hill!

当然,如果你认为他们是那种一辈子一首歌的组合就大错特错了,Marian Hill与来自超级人气女团Fifth Harmony的Lauren Jauregui合唱《Back To Me》并登上Spotify“Global Viral 50”排行榜第一名;在2015年维密秀上受邀表演《One Time》和《Got It》;与罗马尼亚天后Inna合作《Diggy Down》;与Big Sean, Zella Day, Hayley Kiyoko, Pvris, Aquilo等一众大牌音乐人有过亲密合作;更不用提为大热的系列电影《五十度灰》演唱了插曲《Pearls》(法语版原名《Ta MeilleureEnnemie》)

那么王音棋微博 ,Marian Hill究竟何方神圣,让我们来了解一下。
Marian Hill是来自费城的原创流行组合,由制作人Jeremy Lloyd和主唱Samantha Gongol组成御战僵尸 ,组合得名于音乐剧 《The Music Man》 的两个角色蒋芳婷,Marian Paroo和Harold Hill。Samantha和Jeremy相识于中学。他们的第一首歌是于某年春假期间,在Jeremy父母的地下室写下的《Whisky》东湖棋院 。2013年两人以Marian Hill之名发行了首张EP《Play》,即兴爵士音乐家Steve Davit也有参与其中。《纽约时报》对《Play》盛赞有佳,将其与当年颇具影响力的一众知名电子、R&B团体相提并论。

2015年初Marian Hill与Republic Records签约骆吉 ,9月在著名的柯登深夜秀(The Late Late Show with James Corden)上进行了电视首演,并受邀在当年维密的热场秀上表演《Got It》与《One Time》。同年12月,Marian Hill宣布推出第二张EP《Sway》泰剧金顶 ,其中单曲《One Time》进入美国另类电台的前40名。2016年组合发行了《Lips》等四张单曲,混合了蓝调、爵士、重低音、和细腻声乐,收录在他们的首张专辑《Act One》中。

2017年4月7日,两人发行了首张专辑《Act One》的扩展版。此版本收录了《Act One》的所有歌曲代嫁庶妃 ,加上《Sway》《Back to Me》,以及分别与Lauren Jauregui以及Big Sean合作的单曲。从2013年第一张EP至今短短几年时间里藏镜人,Marian Hill已经产出了多首热门单曲,吸引了一批忠实的粉丝,美国各地的演出售罄。热门歌曲《Down》在Billboard最高达到21位,在榜17周,并被从苹果公司选用作为“iPhone 7 + AirPods”广告的主题曲。嗯,就是下边这一支:
这对多才多艺的二重奏组自高中毕业后一直进行合作,合作的结果是诱人和生动的。融合了blues和bass,经典和现代,Marian Hill就像一个诱人的悖论华文隶书 。即使你以前从来没有听说过Marian Hill的歌,你也一定不会后悔开始这段惊喜的旅程。
于是,今年我们就把这对被 Cochella 等一众大型音乐节青睐的当红电子流行组合请到中国,翟煦飞 详情见海报龙蛇大战 !
秀动 & Haze Sounds 联合呈现
Marian HILL 中国巡演

8.9 北京/Beijing 糖果三层/Tango Live 出时间20:30
8.10 上海/Shanghai 摩登/Modernsky Lab 演出时间20:30
学生票 280/预售 330 / 现场 400

Marian Hill is an American songwriting duo from Philadelphia consisting of production artist Jeremy Lloyd and vocalist Samantha Gongol. Their name comesfrom two characters, Marian Paroo and Harold Hill, from the musical The MusicMan.

The group released their debut EP <Play> in 2013, which featured improvisational jazz musician Steve Davit. Two years later, they announced the availability of another EP超级女警察 , <Sway>.
The New York Times published a review of the duo after the release of Play, comparing them to other well-known electronicand R&B-influenced groups.

They made their television debut on "The Late Late Show with James Corden" in September 2015, and got also invited to "The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon". A track that appears on both EPs, <One Time>, entered the top 40 on US alternative radio in December 2015. The duo released four singles throughout 2016阿四龙组合 , leading up to their debut album <Act One>.

On January 14, 2017, Apple debuted their iPhone 7 + AirPods – Strollcommercial during the Atlanta Falcons and Seattle Seahawks playoff game. The commercialfeatured Lil Buck gravity dancing to "Down".On April 7云南早婚村 , 2017, the duo released an extended version of their debutalbum Act One titled Act One (The Complete Collection). This version featuresall songs from Act One, as well as "Sway", "Back to Me",什么是精神分裂症 asingle featuring Lauren Jauregui, and a feature from Detroit rapper Big Sean.

After meeting each other at Haverford High School, Jeremy Lloyd studiedmusic theatre at Yale University, Samantha Gongol music business at New York University李宥利 , and Steve Davit music industry at Drexel University."Whisky", the first song Lloyd and Gongol ever wrote together, describes a woman in control of her own sexuality. They moved on to createsongs like "Lips" and "Got It", mixtures of blues, jazz生死谍变 ,heavy bass, and delicate vocals.

The duo have been invited to festivals like Cochella and Summersonic and have become one of the most favoured electronic-pop acts in the world, and nowwe are honored to introduce Marian Hill to China with their debut Asia tour coming soon! See poster below:
Showstart & Haze Sounds present
Marian HILL 2018 China Tour

8.9 北京/Beijing 糖果三层/Tango Live 出时间20:30
8.10 上海/Shanghai 摩登/Modernsky Lab 演出时间20:30
Student 280/Presale 330 / Walk in 400
Buy ticket
