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【视频】Ceremony |仰望星空,奔向星辰大海 ;不负韶华,圆梦蔚蓝向往! Graduation-滨海国际Shorescope 2018年6月5日,我校隆重举行了国际部2018届毕业典礼。美国启培菲尔德高中高级管委会执行主任Bill Spannjer 先生、副校长John J .Liu 先生罗妹妹,宁波爱学国际学校校长沃特曼先生、副校长夏琳女士,宁波滨海教育集团总校长刘飞耀先生,宁波滨海国际幼儿园园长胡海燕女士、宁波滨海国 际合作学校副校长宋登水先生、副校长汪庆东先生、副校长丁长庚先生、

【视频】Ceremony |仰望星空,奔向星辰大海 ;不负韶华,圆梦蔚蓝向往! Graduation-滨海国际Shorescope

2018年6月5日,我校隆重举行了国际部2018届毕业典礼。美国启培菲尔德高中高级管委会执行主任Bill Spannjer 先生、副校长John J .Liu 先生罗妹妹,宁波爱学国际学校校长沃特曼先生、副校长夏琳女士,宁波滨海教育集团总校长刘飞耀先生,宁波滨海国际幼儿园园长胡海燕女士、宁波滨海国 际合作学校副校长宋登水先生、副校长汪庆东先生、副校长丁长庚先生、党总支副书记徐钟琴女士、校长助理殷光举先生、工会主席潘方平先生以及学校各部门中心主任、全体毕业生家长及国际部全体教师悉数到场,为毕业生送上临别前的祝福!
On June 5, 2018, NBICS International Department held Graduation Ceremony. Among the distinguished guests are the executive director of Chapel Field School,Dr. John Liu, the Vice Principal of Chapel Field School; principal and his team ofAccess International Academy Ningbo;Mr. Liu Feiyao, the President of Ningbo Binhai Education Group leading the adminstration group, the parents of graduates and International department teachers.
三年前,一群稚气未脱的少年带着些许的懵懂来到美丽的滨海校园,他们一下子被这里吸引妾室守则 ,从此在便在这里停留了一千多个日日夜夜。
Three years ago飞狼直升机 , a group of adolescents came to NBICS with dreams unrealized yet. The moment they saw the campus, they were attracted. Day in and day out, over 1000 days has already gone past. And here we are柳林弹唱 , celebrating your achievement, graduation as well as a brand new beginning.
典 礼 开 始
在全场来宾的注视下,在刘飞耀校长、Bill Spannjer 先生带领下,在家长的陪同下,全体毕业生隆重入场。
All grduates entered the Auditorium watched by attendees, led by Principal Liu Feiyao, Mr.Bill Spannjer and accompanied by their parents.
Valedictory Speech
Valedictory Speech-Joyce Gu
We are NBICSers黄宝吉, day in and day out, each and inextricable part of the greatest school in the world. There may be schools with better test scores. But I believe, there is no school in the world that can challenge you so much and make you grow so much.
Soon we’ll take our belongings and leave the place where we call it home for so many years. What ahead of us won’t be easy to go through. But what ahead of us is also beautiful and gorgeous. Ahead of us stand the people we are to meet in the places we are to go, ahead of us stand those we may love and the families we may create, ahead of us stand dreams we are to realize. Ahead of us stand life, let us go through it boldly and without regret. Ahead of us stand life, let’s live it.
Student Speech
Stella Yu's Speech
If school is a family, you are just like sisters and brothers in the family, and you took the leadin showing us how to study and live better. Tracing back to the previous time, I found that you have shared so many unforgettablemoments with us and told us so many profound lessons.
Only the people who can endure trials can taste the fruit of success. It is not crowded on the way up. It is crowded where many people chooseto stay within the comfort zone. Thus let us all stand up and be audacious to face those problems.
教 师 代 表 寄 语
Teacher Speech
Maggie Wang's Speech
If high school life is a train leading to dreams娇诗韵 , our teachers’ duty is not only guiding you through to the end but also companioning you until the destination. Now, It’s time to say goodbye. It has been my fortune to be your companion for these three years.
In spite of the hard moments in your academic career and personal lives, you gradually transformed from childhood to maturity.
It’s time for you to leave. I wish you success in accomplishing your aspirations with your infinite energy and endless confidence. Also, please take care of yourselves and keep in touch with your parents.
家 长 代 表 赠 言
Parent Speech
Speech of Irene's Mother
As a parent representative, I would like to express my warmest thanks to all the teachers who dedicated time and hard work to the success of the students graduating today.
I would also like to extend my congratulations to all students who received the offers their hearts were set upon. Please join me now in giving our best teachers and parents a big round of applause九宫舞 !
Thank you, NBICS. This is a young and vibrant school that is filled with students’ hopes. Kids cannot only learn academic knowledge from class, but can also be influenced to establish a cosmopolitan vision.
校 长 致 辞
Principal Speech
Mr. Wang's Speech
Time passes fast. It's a really short three years since they studied and lived at NBICS. Now, there is a new graduating class of sixteen teenagers who are going to begin a long life journey to fulfill their parents' and teachers' expectations.
To be a great person one must have a strong sense of social responsibility and his or her personal fate should be closely related to the country's destiny. These students in our history brought democratic thoughts, and advanced science and technology when they returned to China. So, after a few years or more years多酷书城 , what can you bring back to your country when you return?
Please do not forget that you are NBICS students with Chinese blood, so I also expect that while you attain an exotic foreign culture you also at the same time help propagate Chinese culture, and keep in your heart NBICS's great intellectual explorations and educational achievements.
校 长 致 辞
Principal Speech
John Liu's Speech
First of all, you must "know and lead your era." Today, you are graduating. I’d like to send you Mr. Qian Mu's words "know your time and lead your time.” “We must understand our time first. We are born in today’s era and we should be today’s people, keep learning and try to achieve our career in this ages. Today, our target of this era to fulfill the dream of the great renewal of the Chinese nation.
My dear kids, make sure you don’t get hurt after failure, still see brightness after failure, have faith and keep trying. Forge ahead! So, My dear graduates仙妮蕾德 , this is my last lesson for you. The theme is: With the aim of "belief in truth, freedom陈维蕊 , serving", we forge ahead!
感 恩
高中三年充实而精彩,每一次进步都离不开父母与老师的鼓励和支持。在此次毕业典礼上,倪宝铎 毕业生们特地设计了这一环节。他们走到台前将心中的无限感恩之情化作一个个紧紧的拥抱,送给父母;化作一束束鲜花孺子帝 ,献给恩师。
Any progress would not be possible without the support and encouragement of teachers and parents. To extend their gratitude, the graduates gave hugs and presentedbouquets to their beloved parents and respectable teachers.
祝 福
Teachers, students from lower grades and parents also expressed their congratulations and best wishes.

毕 业 晚 宴
为了送别毕业生,国际部教师特精心准备了精美晚宴。刘飞耀校长亲临现涛女郎 场,面对即将远渡重洋,去异国他乡求学的毕业生们,再三叮咛嘱托,并送上最真诚的祝福。晚宴上大家一起载歌载舞韦飞燕,用这种特殊的方式送别赵乐秦 。
In the evening, International Department held a banquet as a last gift to the graduates. Principal Liu Feiyao went to the banquet to express his best wishes.
Principal Liu Feiyao's Speech at Banquet
毕 业 生 简 介
Graduates Profiles
Group Photos
Dear kids:
Graduation does not mean the end美阿密 , instead, it embodies a commencement关思婷 , a start of a new journey. Please keep in mind wherever you are, whatever you are doing, NBICS stands here firmly as your support. May you march forward with courage and tenacity built up here in NBICS! May the best happen to you! May you succeed against all the odds you might have to fight against!
排版:Serena 老师
