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【视频】Foreign Movies Come to China in September | 9月上映的外国电影(中英文版) 7-dalianlaowai Content Exchange: Culturalbility文化力~Film culture from around the world~WithAugust's massive movie listover and thus summer being officially over, too, we get another lous

【视频】Foreign Movies Come to China in September | 9月上映的外国电影(中英文版) 7-dalianlaowai

Content Exchange: Culturalbility文化力
~Film culture from around the world~
WithAugust's massive movie listover and thus summer being officially over, too, we get another lousy month for international films.
We trust you all had wonderful summer travels to other countries, though, where you could watch all the cool movies you wanted.
But now, welcome back to China, where Bruce Willis can speak flawless Chinese.

Ahem... I'm not a lady.
So巴宝利官网, after you read through our helpful list,votefor the ones you want to see andsharewith all your friends who might benefit from it...
You can evenfavoritethis article for easy future reference when searching for it throughout the month~
And finally, simplycommentat the bottom for a chance to win four free movie tickets! (not kidding)
Need help buying tickets?
Link:How To Buy Movie Tickets On Wechat
**Remember, all movies are subject to change,
so if you're planning a romantic candle-lit evening巅峰进化 ,
it's always smart to double-check ahead of time. TIC.
Friday上海厂房网 , September 7阴枣 , 2018Alpha《阿尔法:狼伴归途》
ā ěr fǎ:láng bàn guī tú

Director:Albert Hughes
Actors:Kodi Smit-McPhee宏愿的意思 , Morgan Freeman, Natassia Malthe
China Release Date:Friday, September 7, 2018
主演:柯蒂·斯密特-麦菲 / 娜塔莎·迈尔兹 / 蕾奥娜·维埃拉 / 约翰内斯·豪克尔·约翰内森 / 延斯·赫尔腾

Less than a month from its US release睿丁英语, the critics seem to be OK with this one... Surprisingly.
An epic adventure set in the last Ice Age,Alphatells a fascinating, visually stunning story that shines a light on the origins of man's best friend. While on his first hunt with his tribe's most elite group, a young man is injured and must learn to survive alone in the wilderness.
Reluctantly taming a lone wolf abandoned by its pack, the pair learn to rely on each other and become unlikely allies, enduring countless dangers and overwhelming odds in order to find their way home before winter arrives.
故事发生于两万年前的欧洲北部再与天比高 ,地球正处于弱肉强食的冰川时期。心地善良的男主角科达是部落首领的儿子,在一次部落集体狩猎中,科达不慎跌落悬崖,众人以为科达已死,但大难不死的科达被洪水卷走幸存下来,只身流落荒野。
途中科达与一匹野狼相遇,给它起名阿尔法,意即狼群首领。科达在与其相处的过程中逐渐成长陈丽华前夫 ,学习“狼性”并存有“仁心”。这对人狼搭档在险恶的世界中相互为伴,一起踏上返乡之路,人与狼之间第一次建立了友谊。随后的种种奇遇,甚至改变了人类和世界的未来……

Friday, September 7, 2018Pelé: Birth
of a Legend《贝利: 传奇的诞生》bèi lì: chuán qí de dàn shēng

Directors:Jeff Zimbalist, Michael Zimbalist
Actors:Kevin de Paula, Vincent D'Onofrio,梅爱偲 Rodrigo Santoro, Diego Boneta
China Release Date:Friday, September 7, 2018
导演:杰夫·泽姆巴利斯特 / 迈克尔·泽姆巴利斯特
主演:凯文·德·保拉 / 莱昂纳多·利马·卡瓦柳 / 索·豪黑 / 马丽雅娜·努涅斯 / 米尔顿·哥恩卡维斯

If you're one of the few who haven't seen this yet (it's been out for almost 2 years), then you should definitely pay the price of admission for a peek in the cinemas.
Fútbol legend, Pelé, and his meteoric rise from the slums of Sao Paolo, Brazil, to winning the World Cup at the young age of 17 are on full display in this film. Although you probably already know the story, watching it played out on the big screen is a real treat.
And we haveVincent"The HumanChameleon"D'Onofrio to enjoy, too!
本片讲述了球王贝利儿时从贫民窟擦鞋童,靠自己的努力克服重重阻碍,逆转绝境成为足球世界最强者的故事周新萍 。影片揭秘了贝利成名前不为人知的经历,家境贫穷、旁人的冷眼、队友的排挤并没有阻碍贝利的成长,父母的教育一直影响着贝利,从被人贬低到万人瞩目,他一个人的逆袭,燃动了数十亿人的斗志。

Friday, September 7, 2018Rise of a Legend《李宗伟:败者为王》
lǐ zōng wěi:bài zhě wéi wáng

Director:Teng Bee
Actors:Jake Eng, Tosh Chan, Mark Lee
China Release Date:Friday, September 7, 2018
主演:李国煌 / 杨雁雁 / 拿督罗斯彦诺 / 黄炜杰 / 曾冠源

Note: this is in Malay & Hakka with Chinese subtitles
Two sport movies releasing on the same exact day and both have"of a Legend"in the title... not fishy at all.
Anyways, this one tells the inspirational story of Malaysia's badminton legend, Lee Chong Wei. Born in a poor family, he never gave up despite the difficulties he went through. Stop yawning, this is serious!
His determination led to him becoming the professional badminton player and national hero that he is today, but still only winning silver (twice) in the Olympics.
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Friday, September 14, 2018Destiny: KamakuraMonogatari《镰仓物语》
lián cāng wù yǔ
akaDESTINY 鎌倉ものがたり

Director:Takashi Yamazaki
Actors:Masato Sakai, Mitsuki Takahata, Shin'ichi Tsutsumi
China Release Date:Friday, September 14, 2018
主演:堺雅人 / 高畑充希 / 堤真一 / 安藤樱 / 田中泯

Note: this film is in Japanese with Chinese subtitles
Not only is Kamakura-based Masakazu Isshiki a mystery novelist, but he is also a good detective himself. His wife Akiko and he are acquainted with all manners of creatures and gods who are of, from, or passing through the town. Dealing with and tackling his cases means he can use all the help he can get.
Having never heard of this one yet, it looks kinda cool. Might wanna find and download with English subs. (Came out in Japan last year...)
镰仓,一个看似不起眼的小城,却是连通两个异世界的神奇之处全职位面商 ,流传着各种奇妙的 传说。推理作家一色正和(堺雅人 饰)与天然呆妻子亚纪子(高畑充希 饰)新婚蜜月 后定居在老家镰仓,过着夫唱妇和的幸福生活。一次偶然,亚纪子中了怪物的设计被 带到异世界,爱妻心切的一色为了夺回妻子,不惜打破禁忌,只身冒险,在奇妙的异世界展开了一场奇幻冒险....
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Friday, September 14, 2018Let Me EatYour Pancreas《念念手纪》niàn niàn shǒu jì

Director:Sh? Tsukikawa
Actors:Minami Hamabe, Takumi Kitamura, Shun Oguri
China Release Date:Friday, September 14, 2018
主演:滨边美波 / 北村匠海 / 北川景子 / 小栗旬 / 大友花恋

Note: this film is in Japanese with Chinese subtitles
Disregard the quirky English title, and you have yourself a legit drama that is sure to draw tears. Also note, this is not the anime remake that was recently released in Japan. This is live-action from over a year ago.
Summary:A high school student happens to find a diary written by one of his classmates, Sakura Yamauchi, that reveals she is suffering from a pancreatic disease. He spent time with Sakura魔运苍茫 , but she dies. 12 years later, due to Sakura's words, he is now a high school teacher at the same school where he graduated from.
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Friday, September 21, 2018Death Wish《虎胆追凶》
hǔ dǎn zhuī xiōng

Director:Eli Roth
Actors:Bruce Willis, Elisabeth Shue,Vincent D'Onofrio, Dean Norris,Camila Morrone
China Release Date:Friday, September 21, 2018
主演:布鲁斯·威利斯 / 文森特·多诺费奥 / 伊丽莎白·苏 / 迪恩·诺里斯 / 博·纳普

Have you ever wondered why film piracy is so rampant in China? Here's your second biggest reason: it often takes so long for good films to come on over!
If you haven't already downloaded this remake, it'd be great to see in the cinema late at night with few others around. Especially if you're a fan of Willis, Shue, andD'Onofrio.
Synopsis:Dr. Paul Kersey (Willis) is a surgeon who only sees the aftermath of his city's violence as it's rushed into his ER - until his wife (Shue) and college-age daughter (Morrone) are viciously attacked in their suburban home.
With the police overloaded with crimes, Paul, burning for revenge, hunts for his family's assailants to deliver justice. As the anonymous slayings of criminals grabs the media's attention, the city wonders if this deadly avenger is a guardian angel... or a grim reaper.
Move over The Rock岳西在线家园, this is classic Bruce Willis!
在枪案频发的芝加哥,保罗原本是一个温文儒雅仁心妙手的医生,拥有一个幸福美满的家庭。一场突如其来的厄运让他的妻女惨遭暴徒欺凌,女儿昏迷不醒,爱妻更因此丧失生命,与他天人永隔。然而,城市里连串的凶案让警方束手无策,种种原因使得保罗的案件无法结案,本应受到制裁的凶徒逍遥法外爱欲情迷 。

Friday, September 21, 2018Godzilla:
Monster Planet《哥斯拉:怪兽行星》
gē sī lā :guài shòu háng xīng
akaGODZILLA 怪獣惑星

Directors:Hiroyuki Seshita, K?bun Shizuno
Actors:Mamoru Miyano, Takahiro Sakurai, Kana Hanazawa
China Release Date:Friday, September 21, 2018
导演:静野孔文 / 濑下宽之
主演:梶裕贵 / 宫野真守 / 诹访部顺一 / 花泽香菜 / 樱井孝宏

Note: this film is in Japanese with Chinese subtitles
Another full-length animated feature from Japan sure to impress the most astute anime fans. But again, they've probably already seen it because it's from LAST year. And there's already a live-action Hollywood remake in the works.
Years into the future and the human race has been defeated several times by the new ruling force of the planet: "kaijus"... The ruler of that force is Godzilla, the "King" of the Monsters.
Humanity is in such defeat, preparations to leave the planet have been made, and several people have been chosen to look at a new planet to see if it is inhabitable. Realizing it's not, though女巫重生记 , the human race resorts to Plan B: to defeat Godzilla and take back their planet.
You'd think that would've been Plan A.
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Disclaimer:Obviously, we didn't write these movies or create these names or images ourselves... but we did scour the interwebs for days, finding, compiling, and translating the most accurate info just for you to easily access here on Wechat庹读什么 !
Thanks to imdb.com, douban.com, all the movies' websites, and Wikipedia for the deets~
If any of you would like to copy this article on your own Official Account, it's as simple as sending us a message, we would happily share it with you~ Seriously!
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